Scott Spradley – Spiritual Director
A practicing Spiritual Director since 2013, Scott received his certification in Spiritual Direction from Perkins School of Theology in October 2014. Scott, his wife Tara, and son, JT attend Providence United Methodist Church in Mt. Juliet, TN. Scott also serves as Director for the VBS team at the UMPH.
Scott regularly facilitates groups such as “Walking as a Spiritual Practice” meeting at least one Saturday morning each month and “Breathing Under Water,” a study of the Spirituality of the Twelve Steps based on Richard Rohr’s book of the same title. Scott has also led Group Spiritual Direction and Discernment for Men and Dreamwork groups. This past Spring, Scott introduced a continuation of the “Under Water” group, “Breathing Under Water: A Deeper Dive”.
Scott enjoys audio books, movies, songwriter driven music, walking his dog, and biking.
For Scott, Spiritual Direction is a time when “two or three are gathered in God’s name” Matthew 18:20, intent on awareness of God’s presence, word and guidance. The true Director of these sessions is the Holy Spirit. The Spiritual Director is simply a companion on the journey or “the two” for one seeking direction.
“I highly recommend Scott Spradley for Spiritual Direction. I feel spiritual direction is appropriate for anyone who is interested in trusting God to be a part of the solution to life’s stressors. I am certain God’s hand is on Scott’s life and in turn, his ministry. While in Spiritual Direction- Scott was approachable, transparent, and encouraging. He allowed me to move at a pace I felt comfortable with. I have recommended Scott to my friends and family alike. They, like me, definitely had a greater sense of God’s “unending love” after spending time in spiritual direction. I’m grateful for the obvious gift God has anointed Scott with and feel blessed to have had him as a mentor.”
“Scott and I worked together many years ago, and God reconnected our paths professionally and personally at a time when his welcoming presence and gifts of discernment and encouragement were invaluable in helping me to discern my own call to pursue spiritual direction training. I’ve participated in a dreamwork class led by Scott, which opened me to a new understanding of the ways our dreams can speak to us about our deepest selves and reveal God’s invitations. I’ve also greatly enjoyed participating in his Walking as a Spiritual Practice group, which has been a wonderful expansion of my own practice of prayer walking, adding the enriching aspects of community and group listening. Scott is a gentle guide with keen spiritual discernment, and I am grateful to be on the journey together.”
“Scott Spradley has a God given gift to lead spiritual direction and discernment groups. He is soft spoken, patient, understanding and kind. I have known Scott a long time and highly recommend his classes.”
“Every session with Scott is a journey to a new place.”